"No one could've anticipated the breach of the levees"
They all made that declaration following the disaster that was Katrina and the disaster that was the response to said event. They made it seem as if they were truly surprised by what happened....except that videotape the AP acquired today shows otherwise. They were informed, and still the President went on vacation and got a guitar from a country musician and did photo ops and talked about Medicare here in Southern California before he got his ass in gear and went back to leading. Meanwhile, people drowned.
I think my rant of months ago, while rather vile in its comtempt, is validated by what this tape shows. The breach of the levees was anticipated and considered imminent...but we've all seen how this President judges imminent threats. Attacked the WRONG threat in Iraq, while the big one in Iran is much closer to nuclear weapons. Did not act even close to quickly on the infamous Aug. 6, 2001 PDB which said Bin Laden was determined to strike in the United States. This is how he acts on these sorts of things.
It is clear the President, AGAIN, lied to the American people, to Congress, and to the citizens of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. The question is, will he ever be held responsible for it?